Wednesday, April 23, 2014

October Again

I visited you for possibly the last time
Every time I walk out the doors I wonder
Life has taken it's share
Maybe that was humanity's deal with the devil
Let us live here and when we grow old earth and demons can take their revenge on our bodies
I doubt it
This is not Satan's domain
No demon is taking you
I remember in October we talked about death
You told me you were nearly 80 and had lived a long life
You still don't want to die
It is hard to think that soon you will be gone
It is unavoidable
No person can stop the end of the path if you stop walking it comes to you
Still I wish there was a way
I don't want to be standing next to my father as he buries yet another brother
I want to be standing beside both of you as you talk about buried treasure and dig in the soil with tools
But the time has passed for those things
Now we set on couches and talk about the past
And I dread when I will no longer drive to this house because your chair will be empty
Like it is October all over again I cry
Because there is nothing else I can do
My hope for you is that when you reach the end of the path it is beautiful
Hopefully we will meet there someday and catch up on all the years we lost
When you were just a stranger to me with beautiful blue eyes
Until then I pray that the last of your days are warm and loving
And always that I get to see you one last time before the path ends


  1. Endings and death are so hard for everyone. Hopefully he can be in peace with the people around him.
